Radish bone soup protein recipe

Radish bone soup

The nutritional value of Radish bone soup includes protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, etc. The relevant explanation is shown below:

  1. Protein

Radish bone soup is rich in protein, which is an important component in the composition of human tissues and organs and helps to enhance physical strength.

  1. Dietary Fiber

Radish bone soup is rich in dietary fiber, after consumption, it helps to promote intestinal peristalsis, maintain intestinal health, and improve bloating, constipation, poor bowel movement and other phenomena.

  1. Vitamin

Radish bone soup contains a large number of vitamins, with antioxidant effect, helps to enhance immunity, can prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases

Radish bone soup

Radish bone soup

The nutritional value of Radish bone soup includes protein, dietary fiber, vitamins
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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 29 minutes
Course Soup
Cuisine Chinese
Servings 2


  • 500 g pig bones
  • 1 white radish
  • 1 block ginger
  • 1 garlic
  • onion Moderate
  • 1 scoop salt
  • 1 scoop Cooking wine


  • Wash the pork bones and blanch them in water;
  • Take out and drain the water;
  • Prepare ginger and garlic;
  • Put ginger, garlic and pork bones into the pot;
  • Add enough water to cover the pork bones;
  • Add salt; Add cooking wine; Add soy sauce;
  • Cover with lid and bring to a boil over high heat;
  • Add the white radish and continue to simmer;
  • Continue to boil until the white radish is soft and mushy, then add some chopped green onions and you can start drinking.
Keyword Radish bone soup
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